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Week 3 of Quarantine School


Well, here we are.  3 weeks into school at home, now looking to be until May 15th!  I have reflected on this time with my youngest, and his schedule with the teachers. One thing is clear to me, the teachers care.  They are in this new phase with the kids and they are struggling the same way the kids are.  One thing that keeps shining through though is they care.  This is what makes a teacher a great teacher-they care. They are looking for the students to learn something and not have as many gaps as they would if they stopped all learning.  This is what makes UA great.

How are you doing with the online platforms that you have to work on?  Are they functioning the way that you would like?  Is there something that you would want to change?  I know that I would want to have the teacher to be a hologram, so we could see her, hear her, and be able to watch what she is talking about.  There are so many science fiction books that this happens in, maybe it will happen one day right?  What is one that you have read that is in the future?  Is there one that was your favourite?

I have placed a link on the Media Services page for you and your parents, as well as teachers.  This link will take you to books and the like to help with reading and other activities.  Be sure to check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

Stay safe and healthy and be mindful!  Don’t forget to keep reading!!!

Mrs. Green

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